Summertime means grilling, going to the lake or beach, and enjoying the warm weather and long days. You can expect a few mosquitos’ stings with summer’s good things if you spend enough time outside. Dodging mosquitos doesn’t have to be your reoccurring summertime activity.
A few mosquitos can quickly grow into an infestation. Keep your home and business safe from this stinging pest. Don’t let mosquitos keep you indoors prevent you from having fun. Learn how Seitz Bros. Pest control can show you how to protect your property.
Ideal Conditions For A Mosquito Infestation
Mosquitos are a summertime menace, but they are active throughout the warmer seasons in our area, from late spring to early fall. Although this stinging nuisance mainly causes itch welts, according to the Centers for Disease Control, they are well-known for spreading diseases West Nile or dengue fever, which causes severe illness. However, cases are sporadic in the United States.
Ideal conditions for a mosquito infestation include:
- Standing water on your property
- You live in a hot humid climate
- Your property has a lot of shaded areas
Common Breeding Grounds
Mosquitos search for wet areas to breed and lay their eggs. Although they live short lives, mosquitoes’ eggs can stay viable in dry areas. Once the water reaches the eggs, the larva grows into pupae within five days. This stage takes two to three days, and then the mosquito is an adult flying insect ready to breed again. A female adult can live up to two to four weeks and lay about 300 eggs in its brief lifetime.
Mosquitoes are attracted to and breed in still water. That includes water in dog bowls, clogged gutters, tires, birdbaths, puddles, and children’s pools and toys. No matter the size, mosquitos will lay eggs even in the smallest amount of water. During a rainy period, properties with flooded streams, creeks, and lakes back up to rivers and creeks are especially inclined to attract breeding mosquitoes.
Why Do Mosquitos Sting?
Mosquitos don’t sting to feed on humans and animals like tiny flying vampires. Only female mosquitoes bite to get a protein meal to produce their eggs. Mosquitoes require a specific protein derived from blood. Male mosquitoes never bite animals or humans. When a mosquito bites you, it injects saliva into your skin which your body reacts to developing itchy bumps and welts.
Most people have only a mild reaction to their sting, but others suffer swelling, soreness, and redness. Besides spreading diseases and causing severe reactions may happen, it’s best to eliminate anything that may attract mosquitoes to your premises.
How To Prevent A Mosquito Infestation
To stay ahead of mosquitos, get in the habit of removing standing water from your property. This is where they lay their eggs. Even a small amount of water can be a breeding ground for hundreds of mosquitos. Be sure to drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, pools and spas, pet dishes, lawn ornaments, buckets, plant pots, or any other containers where water has collected.
It is also recommended that homeowners use an outdoor insect spray to keep pests away; this includes mosquitoes. You can find these sprays at your local hardware store. Be sure to follow the directions on the package, and reapply as needed.
There are plenty of over-the-counter productions you can purchase that will combat mosquitos. Whether used indoors or outside, some insecticide products may be harmful not only to native pollinators but also to humans and pets. Mosquito control products usually contain the active ingredient DEET, which repels mosquitos rather than kills them. It doesn’t eliminate an infestation. It can cause additional health problems such as rashes and eye irritation.
Another way to keep mosquitoes away is to make sure there are no areas on your property that are overgrown with weeds or tall grass. These areas provide a perfect hiding spot for mosquitoes.
Enlist A Pest Control Specialist Near You
Call a professional pest control company to make sure your property isn’t a mosquito breeding ground. A Seitz Bros’ skilled pest control operator evaluates your home and business both inside and out for any suspected areas where mosquitoes may breed.
Reclaim your yard from all forms of pesky stinging insects. By applying ingredients to mosquito breeding and harborage locations, our approach drastically reduces the mosquito population on your property.
Protect your property this summer from those pesky mosquitoes! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
What You Need To Know About Mosquitoes This Spring Pest Control in Pennsylvania & New Jersey
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