Hornets are one of the most feared and dangerous pests that surface during the summer in Scranton. Unlike other pests, hornets don’t retreat into nature and leave humans alone. Bushes, trees, and other ornamental plants that are on your property are perfect places for hornets to build nests. Many homeowners experience terrifying scenarios when hornets nest by their front door. Can you image having to run to your car that’s parked in your driveway because of an active hornet nest? This is a reality for many residents of Scranton every summer. It’s no wonder that you’ve come here looking for ways to get rid of it for good. Luckily, our stinging insect experts are here to provide you with tips and knowledge about hornets so you can get back to enjoying your summer.
How can I tell if I have hornets on my property?
Hornets, paper wasps, and yellow jackets are frequently mistaken for one another, and with good reason — no one wants to get close enough to identify them. Hornets benefit our ecosystem by controlling the population of smaller insects, but when they nest on your property, they can become dangerous.
Once you’ve spotted a stinging insect or a nest on your property, here are some easy ways to tell them apart:
Paper Wasps
- 5/8 – 1 3/4 inches
- Dark brown with yellow stripes
- Smaller nest population with 20-30 wasps
- Nests resemble paper-mache, shaped like an upside-down umbrella, with a honeycomb interior
Yellow Jackets
- 3/8 – 5/8 inches
- Black with yellow bands
- Nests can hold thousands
- Nests typically found in the ground, often disturbed by lawnmowers or foot traffic
- 5/8 inches – 1 inch
- Reddish-brown with white or pale yellow faces
- Massive nest population of up to 700 hornets
- Nests are typically found in elevated locations and non-visible locations like shrubs and bushes; some nests are over two feet in diameter
If you are unsure of what kind of stinging insects are flying around your yard, call Seitz Bros. for a free inspection.
How do hornets make their nests?
Hornets make their nests from saliva and wood pulp chewed by worker hornets once the queen has selected a nesting location. They are large and papery, often the size of a basketball, and frequently resemble a teardrop with a single opening.
In addition to shrubs and bushes, the most common locations for a nest are under eaves surrounding buildings, in tree bark, and inside rotten logs and stumps. If you have hornets on your property, stay away from the nesting site and contact Seitz Bros. immediately.
How can I get rid of a hornet nest on my own?
Many people opt for DIY when it comes to home maintenance, but when dealing with dangerous stinging insects, it’s best to rely on an expert to remove the nest from your property. You can find a plethora of DIY tips online, but we don’t recommend trying them out on your own. Some of the most dangerous tips include:
- Knocking down the nest– We don’t recommend this. You don’t have proper protective gear, and you will get swarmed by hundreds of angry hornets and stung. Some DIYers suggest doing this at night. The risk is just as high as knocking it down in the day, and it’s just not worth it.
- Trapping the hornets in a soda bottle and freezing it to kill them– This is very risky. Hundreds of hornets live within a single nest. Luring some into a bottle, then interacting with that bottle, is incredibly dangerous, not to mention time consuming and ineffective.
- Vacuum extraction– Please don’t stick your vacuum hose into a hornet’s nest and attempt to suck them out. You’ll have hundreds of angry hornets on your hands.
- Spraying peppermint oil– There is no proof that essential oils will kill hundreds of angry, resilient hornets. If it were this easy, pest control companies wouldn’t be in business. This is a waste of time and very dangerous.
- Lighting the nest on fire– Just don’t do it. You can easily set your home (or yourself) on fire in the process.
The last thing you should do is face down a nest of angry hornets with a spray bottle of peppermint oil-infused water — or worse, a blow torch — as your weapon of choice. DIY removal methods are ineffective at best and outright life-threatening at worst. If you find a hornet nest on your property, you should always contact a professional.
How can Seitz Bros. get rid of the hornet nest on my property?
DIY removal is dangerous, and leaving the nest alone only encourages the hornets to grow the colony. We cover hornets in our Pest Control Home Protection Plan. Contact Seitz Bros. for safe, fast, and effective hornet nest removal at your home or business!
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